http://www.gersteinlab.org/courses/452/Pick one of the topics below and write a research proposal or implement a bioinformatics algorithm.
Research proposals should be approximately eight pages in length (double spaced). Carefully cite your references at the end of the paper (not included in the 8 pages). Please note that the papers are research proposals and therefore should contain both a) a review of the literature and b) a proposal for something new or an analysis of existing programs. (i.e. Propose a simple project for a new algorithm or improving an existing algorithm, or select an algorithm that you feel best fits a particular research task and explain why you selected that algorithm.)
If writing a program, please submit source code and a brief (one to three pages) write-up explaining: the task your program is used for, the algorithm you implemented, and instructions for compiling and using the program.
All projects must be submitted on or before Wednesday, May 7 by 9 AM on Monday, May 12. Please submit an electronic version of your project on the Classes2 server (http://classes2.yale.edu). No hard copy needs to be turned in. Your project will be put on our public website after grading (http://www.gersteinlab.org/courses/452/).